TThe Red Suit


Francine "Kip" Courtemanche,

(Copyright 2007)


With wide, shiny eyes and

cookie crumbs on their lips,

they stand in serious awe of The Red Suit.


The love that comes from

Santa touches all children.


He speaks with them in a low,

measured voice.  There is no one else

in the world besides The Red Suit

and the small child.



Santa would like to acknowledge the amazing contribution to his life of Francine Courtemanche over the last quarter century.  He wouldn't be the man he is today without her.


Every Santa has a mission and a philosophy.  Mine is best embodied in the poem above.  I love making children happy.  I understand the special responsibilities that come with The Red Suit, and the absolute obligation to never hurt a child or shatter their dreams.


The video below was produced in 2013 in cooperation with KTIS radio in Saint Paul. It states my religious view on Christmas and Santa perfectly. I hope it opens some doors for Jesus. He's standing just on the other side waiting.





Santa Joe

























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