
Santa Joe invisible ty mkes it possible to spacesantajoe

May 31st
, 2022 1349 hours

Big changes for 2022

I am back after the move to Florida. Yes, Santa Joe is in Southwest Florida, providing joy and merriment to the people of Naples and the surrounding area.

Right now, the appearances are scheduled for Toys For Tots and a parade, but dates are not firm. What I ask is that if you need me for an appearance, you send me an email via the contact page with all your information (especially a phone number) and I'll get back to you in a few days. If you need to do it by phone, hit the contact page and you'll see how to do that!

As has been the case for years, I'm open for large events, television commercials, and private parties. I still have the background check, insurance, and a will to serve!

I will post updates as things roll in. But unlike previous years, my appearances are very limited in Florida: I'm allegedly retired. But don't tell my wife, she thinks I'm just parttime on the job.









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